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Sep 8, 2023
Can my birth partner be my doula?
Have you ever wondered if your birth partner can be your doula, Your mum maybe? Here's why I think no

Aug 25, 2023
10 Cool things about Hypnobirthing
So you've heard of Hypnobirthing, GREAT! But with it comes some misconceptions. A lot of people think its Woowoo and a bit hippie, but in...

Jan 31, 2023
The Rebel Birth was created for YOU (and here’s why)
I am tired of hearing and seeing so many parents traumatised by their birthing experience or feeling they had no control over how it...

Jan 9, 2023
Welcome to The Rebel Birth Club blog! Let me introduce myself!
A little bit about me so you can get to know me a bit better!
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